Startup Brings the Internet of Things to the Music World

Michigan based startup is helping bring the Internet of Things to the world of music

Healthy Strings a Grand Rapids, Michigan based startup, is helping bring the Internet of Things to the world of music. The most dangerous threat to wooden instruments is the environment to which they are exposed. High quality wood can be adversely affected when the relative humidity changes. As the relative humidity decreases, wood starts to shrink and the extra stress on the instrument can cause joints to fail and cracks to form, while higher humidities can cause joints to swell.

The goal of Healthy Strings is to bring peace of mind to musicians by monitoring the humidity and temperature of their instrument while it is stored in its case. The app will then alert the musician when the humidity or temperature of their instrument is outside the ideal range.

Whether you make a living playing in a band or enjoy weekend gigs with friends, you need to protect your guitar from dry air. Ideally, your instrument should be kept in a humid environment that hovers between 45 and 55 percent.

Healthy Strings has launched an Indiegogo campaign to get the word out about their product as well as offer the opportunity for fellow musicians to get involved in its production. Healthy Strings’ Indiegogo campaign goal is to raise at least $15,000 by January 31, 2015.

Contributors will receive a variety of perks for each level of support with higher-level supporters receiving proper recognition. For instance, pledging $3,000 places someone into the VIP Beta Tester category, a level that allows the supporter a first crack at trying out the device this spring.

For more details about Healthy Strings, visit For more info about the Indiegogo campaign or to make a pledge, visit the Healthy Strings Indiegogo page.