
Find nearby places and businesses with “Updatein Places” for BlackBerry 10

Updatein Labs have launched their location based search application “Updatein Places” for BlackBerry 10. The app is specifically built for BlackBerry 10 and fully powered by Google places and is available for all countries.

Updatein Places is a location based free app that lets you find nearby places and businesses. It also provides a global search feature where you can search for places using terms that you would typically use in search engines.

Search for Restaurants, Coffee shops, Theatres, Gas stations, Pubs, ATMs, Banks, Shopping malls, Hotels, Attractions, etc.


  • Get address and opening hours of the business
  • Get directions to the place (By car, By public transit, By walk, By bicycle)
  • Directly call the place
  • Visit the business website within the app
  • View the place in a customized map
  • In one click, navigate to the place
  • Share place details with your contacts via Text, Email, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, BBM, WhatsApp, etc.

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