
BlackBerry Android Smartphone: Latest “Leaked” Image does not mean a Dual Boot Device

BlackBerry’s upcoming Android phone is generating a huge amount of interest on the Interwebs but unfortunately, this can also lead to fakes which do nothing but damage, as users believe the picture and immediately jump to conclusions.

Give it a day or two, and these “conclusions” quickly becomes fact.

Such is the position with the latest “leaked” photograph of BlackBerry’s Android phone.

Before any outlets with no real knowledge of BlackBerry jump to  conclusions that the Android smartphone from BlackBerry will be a dual-boot device, this is NOT the case.

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Unlike other fake images that tend to be created using Photoshop, the picture is more than likely based on a photograph of a genuine BlackBerry.

Confused? Let me explain.

As a BES administrator you can name the work/personal side of your device using BES policy. What this means is that you can literally call it what you like and it will show that in the menu. You could call it “Switch to iOS, Switch to Tizen, Switch to Windows Phone” or anything that you want.

In the reported picture, the user has done nothing more than just that and renamed it to “Switch to Android”.

BlackBerry’s Android smartphone is coming but don’t just look at images posted online and take the information verbatim.