
BlackBerry to rebrand BBM Protected as BBM Enterprise

BlackBerry has announced that BBM Protected is to be rebranded as BBM Enterprise. BBM Protected users will soon be able to download the new BBM Enterprise app on Android or iOS devices.

BBM Enterprise will offer all the same security and encryption as BBM Protected. BBM Enterprise users can also keep all their existing BBM contacts, whether they’re co-workers in your organization, or friends and family that are using BBM. And administrators will maintain all the same controls and management for BBM Enterprise users.

Once BBM Enterprise is available for download, users must download and switch to BBM Enterprise.

BlackBerry 10 users will continue using BBM Protected and BlackBerry state that new enhancements for BBM on BlackBerry 10 are coming soon.

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If your organization has subscribed to BlackBerry Technical Support Services (BTSS) please contact your IT department and have one of your named callers contact BlackBerry Technical Support.

If you are a named caller currently subscribed to BTSS, you should continue to use your existing Technical Support Code (TCode) and myAccount login credentials. You will have support at the BTSS level – either Advantage or Premium – to which your company subscribes.