Back in November of last year, , GitHub announced new native mobile apps for Android and iOS alongside several new features. While the iOS app was made available practically immediately, there has been a long delay on the launch of the Android app.
Finally, GitHub has launched the beta version of its open-source app for the Android Operating System.
The mobile version of GitHub will enable developers to collaborate more efficiently on project aspects that don’t require a desktop environment. It provides the means to share feedback on software design or look at a few lines of code via smartphones.
We’re making these tasks easier to complete while you’re on the go, with a fully-native experience. With GitHub for mobile, you have the flexibility to move work forward and stay in touch with your team.
Previously, developers had to rely on GitHub’s mobile-friendly website or third-party apps to accomplish simple tasks such as commenting on codes or reporting bugs via smartphones. With the mobile app, developers can do that (and much more) with a lot of ease, including when traveling.
GitHub is the world’s largest provider of cloud-based storage for open source software development projects. The company first launched an Android app back in 2012 before pulling it from the Play Store in 2015.
Since the newly released app is still undergoing tests, the software development community will have to wait before a full user feasibility assessment is available. The good news is that GitHub has already invited interested users to help beta test the platform for Android.
GitHub’s acquisition by Microsoft just might provide the resources necessary to make code or project management on the platform a lpt more more convenient.
If you signed up for the Android waitlist, you should have received an email invite with a link to test. Missed the waitlist? You can still sign up to test the Android app. While there are a limited number of seats available for the beta, Microsoft will open more as they become available.