
BlackBerry announce BBM Shop and BBM Stickers Beta

BBM is now under the Enterprise Division but it appears that the BBM Team didn’t get the memo.

While we keenly wait on Enterprise features BlackBerry have just announced that there are “even more great new features” on their way to BBM. This time, they’re focused on making your BBM chats more fun with the addition of stickers, available in the new BBM Shop!

Unlike emoticons, stickers are bolder, more beautiful images that you can add right in to your chat. Stickers are downloaded in packs available for purchase from the new BBM Shop – found inside BBM.

Presumably, the BBM Shop is BlackBerry’s first step to monetising BBM.

Each sticker pack will contain between 20-25 stickers relating to a theme or a character like CosCat, Gilbert’s Tales, Bubble Bot and more. You’ll also find some of your favorite characters from TV and movies in sticker form.

Lastly, many of the current emoticons will also be available in a free BBM sticker pack.

While there are no Enterprise features, the kids will be happy. A limited external beta for stickers and the BBM Shop begins today but dont hold your breath for an invite. The beta is only for BlackBerry 10 and legacy users and stickers can only be sent or received by those who have the beta.[signoff predefined=”Enjoy this?” icon=”icon-users”][/signoff]
