BlackBerry announced today that they will continue to support the critical infrastructure and services for BlackBerry 10 as well as network access for BBOS devices beyond 2019.
However, in true BlackBerry fashion, the company don’t say exactly what is deemed a part of the critical infrastructure. Neither do they state just long beyond 2019 this “support” will continue for.
BlackBerry said,
In 2017, however, we promised our customers at least two further years of support for BB10 and at least two years of BlackBerry network access for BBOS devices. Today, we can proudly say that we are extending that commitment and will continue to support critical infrastructure and services for BB10 as well as network access for BBOS devices beyond the end of 2019.
Wile it’s pretty guaranteed that BlackBerry users still clinging to their old devices will make the most of this, jumping to numerous conclusions, there really doesn’t seem to be anything new here. It would appear that it’s nothing more than BlackBerry stating that the required servers won’t be shut down at the end of 2019.
BlackBerry are not even stating that the status quo of the last two years will be retained. In their announcement they highlight that two services on these phones will no longer be accessible to consumers as a result of decisions taken by BlackBerry’s third-party partners.
“First, Twitter has requested that BlackBerry remove the BBOS and BB10 Twitter apps from BlackBerry World as they are shutting down services that enable these apps to function. Users will no longer be able to download the BBOS and BB10 Twitter apps. For those that wish to continue using the social media platform, they can download alternative apps outside of BBOS or BB10 or use their device’s web browser to access the site.
Second, the third-party cloud service that supports the “Full Assistance” functionality in BlackBerry Assistant will also be turned off. Our partnership with the third-party provider that supports “Full Assistance” has ended and they have chosen not to renew it. BlackBerry Assistant will continue to be available, albeit in a more limited function. Users will still be able to make calls, open apps, play music and search their device.”
As we enter the era of 5G, BlackBerry’s reluctance to give BB10 and BBOS a graceful and peaceful death is mystifying. BlackBerry users have always had a tendency to like being stuck in the past and it would appear that nothing has changed in that regard.