
BlackBerry launch Enhanced Vendor Portal for Developers

BlackBerry have launched their new and completely redesigned BlackBerry World Vendor Portal today and it is now live for all developers.

BlackBerry have greatly improved the user experience and built-in new features to help you succeed in BlackBerry World.

Some of the changes include:

  • New UI look and feel
  • Streamlined process for submitting apps
  • Simplified management of screenshots and images
  • Promotion Codes
  • License Type management: switch from free to paid
  • Enhanced Reports: detailed and specific for downloads, purchases or subscriptions
  • Reports for customer reviews
  • Both preconfigured and custom charts for apps and promotions

For developers convenience, the old Vendor Portal will remain active for some time while you become acquainted with the new Vendor Portal.

Changes that you perform in either portal will be effectively saved under your vendor account.