
BlackBerry to automatically expand app device support to include the BlackBerry Z3

Last week, BlackBerry announced their newest BlackBerry smartphone – the BlackBerry Z3! Set to go on sale in Indonesia this April, the stylish new device will give customers the BlackBerry 10 experience at an affordable price.

Of importance to developers – the BlackBerry Z3 shares features common with the BlackBerry Z30 including the same physical dimensions, a 5″ touch display and support for BlackBerry 10 OS version 10.2.1.

In addition, most apps that currently support the BlackBerry Z30 will also function on the new smartphone.

The good news for BlackBerry developers is that BlackBerry will automatically expand your device support to include the new smartphone.

In the unlikely event that you do not want to support the BlackBerry Z3, you can opt-out here. Note that the deadline for opting out is Friday March 14, 2014 at 5:00 PM Eastern.[signoff predefined=”Enjoy this?” icon=”icon-users”][/signoff]