
Developing for BlackBerry Web Services

BlackBerry Web Services (BWS) gives you access to manage your BES users from outside of the BlackBerry Administration Service/Console (BAS). You can aide in your provisioning or de-provisioning processes by simply connecting into those workflows and making the appropriate calls to your BAS through BWS. These APIs and methods allow for any modifications to your BES users (such as password resets, wiping a device, disabling a device, IT Policy change, etc.).

BlackBerry have created a video on how to get started, outlining the necessary items required:

  1. Decide on development language: C#, Java, PowerShell
  2. Decide on authentication method (native BAS or Active Directory)
  3. Get appropriate certificate installed for access to BAS
  4. Build the Proxy file (access to APIs/methods)
  5. Sample application to access BAS and make a couple of API calls

The video is just short of 50 minutes in length and will provide some background on automation abilities from current and past BlackBerry Enterprise Server capabilities, show you how to import your certificate, build your proxy file, and then leverage those two items into a sample program.[signoff predefined=”Enjoy this?” icon=”icon-users”][/signoff]

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