
BlackBerry shareholders elect company’s eight director candidates

BlackBerry shareholders elected the company’s eight director candidates to the board at today’s annual and special meeting.

Directors were elected with favourable margins; Executive Chairman/CEO John Chen received 96.83% of votes, while the biggest opposition was lodged against lead independent director Prem Watsa (who received 91.72% in favour and 8.28% withheld).

Joining them on the board are Michael Daniels, Timothy Dattels, Richard Lynch, Laurie Smaldone Alsup, Barbara Stymiest, and Wayne Wouters.

Detailed results of the vote are as follows:

uk iptv
Nominee Votes For % For Votes Withheld % Withheld
John Chen 272,338,070 96.83% 8,905,391 3.17%
>Michael A. Daniels 276,590,453 98.35% 4,653,008 1.65%
Timothy Dattels 279,672,323 99.44% 1,571,138 0.56%
Richard Lynch 276,486,880 98.31% 4,756,581 1.69%
Laurie Smaldone Alsup 279,689,940 99.45% 1,553,521 0.55%
Barbara Stymiest 275,432,546 97.93% 5,810,914 2.07%
V. Prem Watsa 257,956,954 91.72% 23,286,507 8.28%
Wayne Wouters 279,662,375 99.44% 1,581,086 0.56%