Apple has launched updated developer forums, just in time for WWDC 2020, with a new design language, easier navigation, and wider permissions for more users to browse the content.
The Apple Developer Forums have been completely redesigned, so they’re more engaging to use, automatically surface the most relevant content, offer simpler navigation, and make it easier to categorize and search for content.
Anyone visiting will see the latest topics right on the front page with the biggest topics listed on the right side. Registered developers with a paid account can post and interact anywhere within the forum. Tags can be used to designate specific posts with their topic and importance.
The full list of tags will be revealed by Apple on June 22, as many tags will relate to the announcements during the initial keynote presentation. Known tags include general WWDC discussion and special tags that can only be used by program members and challenge winners. When writing a new post, a tags section lets you search the available tags.
The tag system takes it a step further by not only grouping relevant posts together under a single tag, but also linking to specific Apple developer documentation when available.
Apple says anyone with an Apple ID can sign in and view the forums. However, only developers can actually interact with Apple engineers for help during WWDC