Prevoty Helps Enterprise Mobile App Developers Prevent User Identity Theft and Fraud

Application security company delivers a new out-of-the-box authentication and authorization solution for vulnerable mobile applications

Prevoty, Inc., a new security software company providing RASP (Runtime Application Self Protection) technology, today announced availability of an out-of-the-box solution for authentication and authorization for enterprise mobile application developers.

The dramatic increase in use of enterprise mobile applications has created a whole new attack vector for hackers. While most existing enterprise mobile application security solutions are focused on securing the mobile device and preventing data leakage of enterprise data via attacks launched from the mobile device itself, a perhaps more significant threat comes from user identity theft and fraud.

So-called “man in the middle attacks” are malicious exploits whereby unsuspecting users have their data intercepted by hackers as its transmitted between their devices and back-end application and “spoofing” a user gives unfettered access behind the firewall and mobile applications. Apps running on untrusted BYOD devices in particular provide a soft target and this can open up a Pandora’s box of opportunity for cybercriminals to extract sensitive data and wreak havoc on an organization’s internal systems.

Prevoty has developed Trusted User for Mobile to eliminate authentication and authorization attacks from iOS, Android, mobile web, and hybrid applications. Developers simply add Prevoty’s SDK to their apps and then make simple API calls to Prevoty’s cloud-based security engine. The engine then automatically generates and keeps track of the state of cryptographically unique OAuth tokens, establishing that users are exactly who they claim to be.

“Building robust security into mobile applications is really, really hard,” said Julien Bellanger, co-founder and CEO of Prevoty.

”Trusted User for Mobile allows enterprise mobile developers to focus on the user experience and functionality of their apps and let Prevoty’s engine automatically deal with the complexities of authentication and authorization.”

Prevoty in conjunction with SD Times will be presenting Trusted User for Mobile in a webinar entitled “How enterprise mobile app developers can prevent user identity theft and fraud” on Thursday, July 17th at 11:00am PST / 2:00pm EDT.

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