$99 Smart Glasses That Let You Stream Live and Share Your Perspective.

Advanced Wearable Devices has created Weloop, the first smart glasses made exclusively for live streaming and instant sharing

Ever had one of those awesome moments, and really wished your friends could be there to share the experience? Well, now there’s a product for that. The Weloop live streaming glasses. Developed by a new hardware startup, Advanced Wearable Devices, the Weloop glasses are built for live streaming, sharing the moment, and sharing in the now.

Weloop is a pair of glasses that is made for sharing what you see with your friends in realtime. You pair it with your mobile phone (iPhone or Android), and decide if you want to record video or live stream. And that’s it! Now you can record/share your POV with the push of a button.

Weloop glasses are designed to be an extension of your phone, and purposely built for live sharing. With the Weloop app, the glasses are paired via WiFi to an iPhone or Android. Then footage is either live streamed via the phone’s data connection, or simply recorded to the phone. Now users don’t have to worry about flimsy cables, memory cards, syncing, and transferring video. Instead, everything is saved instantly to the phone.

There’s a mini USB port for charging the battery, a microphone to make sure your videos have sound and 1 simple button for easy operation. Once paired, simply press the button once and your are instantly live streaming with your friends and the world via the Weloop app. To give you feedback that you’ve started recording/streaming the glasses vibrate once. The glasses vibrate twice to confirm you are done recording/streaming.

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Hardware Specs:

  • Omnivision 480p Image-Stabilized camera
  • Onboard H.264 Hardware Encoder
  • 802.11n WLAN chip
  • TR90 Frame
  • Compatible with iOS 7.0+ and Android 4.1+

Live Streaming via the Weloop app

Show your friends and the world what you are up to by streaming live. When you start streaming, your friends get a push notification that you are sharing in realtime. All streams are saved so you can share/comment/explore and rewatch after. You can also choose to stream privately or publicly (private streams are only accessible to people that you follow).

Explore a whole new universe of awesome POV content with the app

The founders behind Weloop believe that the next frontier in sharing will be in realtime streaming. They want users to share the moments in life that would normally be ruined by using a phone. Taking a walk down a beautiful street, driving on a nice road, watching a live sports event, or simply having dinner with friends. This is what Weloop was built for, and at $99 they want the product to be accessible to all users.