P2P Taxi

Decentralalized P2P Taxi launches Taxi Token System

P2P Taxi Token is a BSC-based cryptocurrency on the Binance Smart Chain network

P2P Taxi is a decentralized taxi payment system, token and payment platform aimed at traditional payment systems adapting to today’s technology and to manage these payment systems from a centre.

Traditional payment systems consist of price, money, and debit cards. When you want to pay with a debit card, you can somehow make it through a centralized institution, or you may have to look for an ATM to pay when you do not have cash on you through the p2ptaxi program and payment through the blockchain under the web3 internet.

The company has its own apps like NFT and Metaverse and their own wallet called PTAX Wallet.

P2PTXT token is now listed on various exchanges from where people could buy and sell like on bitmart, cointiger, dextrade, pancakeswap, poocoin and dextools.It is great to be listed on cointiger and bitmart exchanges and soon it will listed on other exchanges.

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Information such as destination, alternate routes, roads, and time can be shown when the taxi is called from the peer-to-peer taxi application. Because the consumer cannot haggle with the taxi driver, the taxi drivers safely transport them to their destination.

Consumers can utilise P2P Taxi to pay for their taxi rides using any cryptocurrency they may have. With a blockchain-based digital payment system, the P2P Taxi Project aims to improve our quality of life by combining the potential of this sector and bringing cryptocurrencies into the real world.

P2P Taxi’s goal is to offer a cryptocurrency payment mechanism through its straightforward architecture. A cryptocurrency with the Binance Smart Chain network, P2P Taxi is based on BSC.

Also users, while choosing the origin and destination,The price is set for them and they can choose the origin and destination and they can pay the fee with btc, etherium and p2ptxt, any currency they want under web3 internet and p2ptaxi blockchain.

P2P Taxi Token (P2PTXT)

P2P Taxi Token (P2PTXT) is the P2P TAXI project’s foundational product. As technology advances daily, the online payment and service sector becomes more and more integrated into our lives.

The goal of the peer-to-peer taxi token project is to realise the full potential of this sector while easing our lives through the use of a blockchain-based digital payment system.

P2P TAXI’s goal is to offer a cryptocurrency payment system with its straightforward architecture. P2P taxi Token is a token that trades P2P and operates on Binance’s Smart Chain (Peer to Peer).

P2P taxi is a platform that enables commerce between the client and the service provider and can scale.

A BSC-based cryptocurrency on the Binance Smart Chain network, P2P Taxi Token. Users can now pay for taxi fares with their own cryptocurrency thanks to p2p taxi Token.

You can purchase P2P Taxi Tokens on CoinMarketCap. P2PTXT, the abbreviation for P2P Taxi Token, together with a second currency are listed under “Pairs.”

You can buy P2P Taxi Tokens with the second currency. Look for P2PTXT/USD if you want to buy P2PTXT with dollars from the United States.

The levels of security, dependability, and liquidity vary amongst platforms. Do your homework before opening an account.

Every platform operates in a unique manner. Some platforms are relatively simple to use, but others are not.

In general, buying cryptocurrency with a fiat currency like the US dollar will be simpler than doing it with another cryptocurrency.

Hence, P2P Taxi Token is all set to embark its journey in crypto world. However, the company also have other programs in the roadmap such as NFT and Metaverse and its own wallet called PTax Wallet.