Mozilla Developer Network accidentally discloses user data


The Mozilla Developer Network (MDN) is currently emailing their developers to inform them that MDN data was disclosed for about 30 days.

Mozilla state that they recently discovered that, starting on about June 23, for a period of 30 days, a data sanitization process of the MDN site database had been failing, resulting in the accidental disclosure of MDN data on a publicly accessible server.

As soon as they became aware of the situation, the database dump file was removed from the server immediately, and the process that generates the dump was disabled to prevent further disclosure.

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User email addresses were posted on that server for that 30 day time period.  No passwords were disclosed.

Mozilla state:

We are known for our commitment to privacy and security, and we are deeply sorry for any inconvenience or concern this incident may cause you. We began investigating the incident as soon as we learned of it. In addition to notifying our users, we’re also looking at our internal processes to ensure there are protections in place to reduce the likelihood of something like this happening again.

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