
NFTpay Payment Solution Goes Live

NFTpay is currently completely free for projects

NFTpay has launched their NFTpay payment solution, a new and easy way to buy and sell NFTs by allowing NFT buyers and sellers to perform transactions using their credit cards.

It is built to allow all kinds of NFT creators, be they marketplaces, 10k NFT collections or websites that sell NFTs, to sell with ease.

All that is needed to use NFTpay to enter basic information about the project and then copy and paste one line of code.

99% of potential NFT buyers do not have cryptocurrency or a crypto wallet, which is why making it simple and easy to buy and sell NFTs has the effect of boosting sales by a large amount.

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“We make it possible for you to launch your own NFT project and have users easily buy your NFTs quickly with their credit card,” Mike Krilivsky, CEO of NFTpay says.

“No wallet needed. Only a small number of people have crypto wallets, but almost everyone has a card/fiat. This helps expand your market to support sales to a much larger audience.

NFTpay is a great choice for both newcomers to the world of crypto and seasoned crypto veterans who know all the ins and outs of the industry. NFTpay makes buying and selling far easier thanks to the fact that it almost mimics traditional ways of purchasing things online using a credit card.

Buyers who do not have wallets and have never bought or sold crypto before can simply let NFTpay store their NFTs securely while also handling all the necessary crypto transactions so their customers do not have to.


A number of live NFT drops are listed on NFTpay, and many of them use the platform for all their NFT-related transactions.

NFTpay is currently completely free for projects. They take a small fee from the NFT buyer to cover the cost of transactions, but NFT projects still receive the full NFT sale price.

Making every transaction fast and easy is what makes NFTpay so unique, and it is the reason why the platform is quickly becoming a popular tool for NFT trading.

Krilivsky added:

When we ran successful launches in the past, we found some buyers couldn’t buy the NFT because fiat onramps like Moonpay and Coinbase can prevent buyers from withdrawing their ETH in time to make a purchase with Metamask — buying with credit card is immediate and reduces this issue for your customers.

You’ll also reduce the need for educating your buyers about Metamask and the n+ steps it takes to get money from fiat to a Metamask wallet. Buyers will simply be able to take their credit card and buy!”