Rapid Meta

Post a Press Release

Submit a press release for free

Rapid Meta offers a facility that allows you to submit your own company press releases, free of charge.

Your press release will join a queue for our editors to promptly review and approve your release. Currently, around 99% of submissions. are successful.

Submission Guideline

  • Good command of English and Grammar (Rapid Meta may edit)
  • One Unique Feature Image / Topic Related Images (optional and Rapid Meta may change)
  • One No follow Link (Approved)
  • Included headings relating to keyword “H2, H3 and H4″ tags (Rapid Meta may edit)
  • No promotional/product content

You are welcome to insert a Youtube video into your article if it is directly relevant to the article topic and the content of that video is appropriate. If you wish to include a video, please ensure you put brackets around the Youtube video URL in the exact place in your article that you wish it to appear.

We reserve the right to:

  • Decline press releases submitted, without providing reasons.
  • Adjust article titles where necessary, to help optimise reader engagement for your press release.
  • Make basic edits to press releases (including but not limited to spelling, grammar, and paragraph/sentence structure for the purpose of improving readability and site structure).
Press Release
Submit a Press Release for Free


Proposed title for your article
Subtitle of your Article
Your article
Excerpt of your Article (Rapid Meta may edit this.
  • 5G
  • Android
  • Apple
  • Apps
  • BlackBerry
  • Connected
  • Crypto
  • Developers
  • Financial
  • Metaverse
  • NFT
Please select the Primary Category you think the article should be placed in. Rapid Meta may change this.
Upload any image you wish to be the featured image of this article. Rapid Meta may change this. Preferred format is webP with width of 1400 pixels. If you don't have an image, Rapid Meta will provide one.
When would you like your Press Release Published. Leave blank if there is no Embargo Date.

Author Details

Your signature stating that have the authority to submit the article for publication.