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A Washington-based non-profit group called the Coalition for a Safer Web has sued Apple for not removing the Telegram app from the App Store. The group alleges that the platform is being used by hate groups and extremists to attack the Capitol.
Telegram has rolled out a new update bringing an alpha version of video calling on both Android and iOS. You can start a video call from your contact's profile page, and switch video on or off at any time during voice calls. Like all other video content on Telegram, video calls support picture-in-picture mode, allowing you to scroll through chats and multitask while maintaining eye contact.
Telegram has rolled out a new update bringing improvements to photos and videos. Users can now switch to the Picture-in-Picture mode to watch your video in a small window and change video playback speed in the playback controls '...' menu.
Telegram has rolled out a new update bringing three new kinds of telegram polls. Previously, all polls on Telegram were anonymous but you can now create polls that allow everyone in the group to see who voted for what.
Telegram has rolled out a new update bringing a new Theme Editor, Send When Online, Verifiable Builds and more. Using the new theme editor in Chat Settings (or Appearance Settings on iOS), you can quickly tweak the style of elements in Telegram chats and add gradients to both your messages and your background. Users can easily switch between tabs Main Color, Background and My Messages.
Telegram has rolled out a new update, bringing features like Silent Messages, Slow Mode, Admin Titles, and more. Users can send messages silently. To use this feature, users need to simply hold the Send button and choose to deliver the message or media without sound and the receiver will get a notification as usual, but their phone won’t make a sound even if they are not in Do Not Disturb mode.
Telegram has rolled out a new update on iOS, bringing features like Silent Messages, Slow Mode, Admin Titles, and more. Users can send messages silently. To use this feature, users need to simply hold the Send button and choose to deliver the message or media without sound and the receiver will get a notification as usual, but their phone won’t make a sound even if they are not in Do Not Disturb mode.
Telegram has rolled out a new update which brings chat archives, a fresh look for the app and more. It's taken its time but the ability to archive chats is finally here. To archive, simply swipe left on your main screen. You can further hide archived chats with another left swipe and to see them again, simply pull down on the main screen.
A Russian court in Moscow court has banned the popular Telegram messaging app. The court ruling on Friday came after Telegram refused to give Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB) encryption keys that would grant access to user messaging data.
WhatsApp Video Calling
The Communications and Information Technology Commission (CITC), Saudi Arabia’s telecommunications regulatory authority, has announced that Saudi Arabia will open up the country to online calling services, lifting a longtime ban.