BBM for Android

Missed out on the BBM for Android Beta? Join the waiting list now

A few weeks ago we told you how BlackBerry had opened up a beta program for BBM for Android and the sign-up rate for that has been a huge success.

The original signup phase has come and gone but the good news is that if you missed out and have an Android device, BlackBerry are inviting you to sign up for the BBM for Android beta and join the waiting list.

Getting on the waiting list will ensure you will be included when BlackBerry open up the numbers again.

You’ll get early access to exciting new features and get a chance to share your feedback about the product and help deliver the  best BBM experience possible.

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If you missed out first time around, so don’t hesitate and sign up now here.

You will need to be a beta Zone member to participate but you can register a free account if you’re not already a member.[signoff predefined=”Enjoy this?” icon=”icon-users”][/signoff]