Anfiestier - Diwali in Metaverse

Antier Celebrating Diwali in Metaverse with Anfestier Event

Diwali in Metaverse, Anfesteir made possible by utilizing the oculus camera sensors

Antier Solutions has explored the enjoyable side of metaverse technology by celebrating Diwali in Metaverse on 21st Oct 2022 in its corporate premises. The name of the event is Anfestier.

Diwali is a major festival in India and there are two more traditional functions that follow soon after Diwali, and all workers like to celebrate such occasions with their families. Therefore, the organization announced holidays for a long duration.

Since Diwali fell on the 24th of October 2022, Antier pre-planned a cooperative event, Anfestier, for its employees inside the metaverse.

It created a virtual space in which everyone in the organization was allowed to join the Diwali celebrations. Thus, it was easier to unite all the teammates working together from different geographical locations to experience merriment and spend joyful moments with the huge Antier family.

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While the world is still bewildered about the metaverse and has different fantasies, the renowned blockchain and metaverse company has already showcased the uplifted version of the festive metaverse by holding the Diwali celebrations, Anfestier, in the three-dimensional world.

It has helped the employees to socialize freely, enjoy a DJ party, have drinks, explore firecrackers, receive gifts, and participate in various kinds of fun activities.

Antier has been operating from India for more than ten years now, but it also has offices in the UK, the US, and Canada. Thus, the forward thinkers in the organization decided to strengthen the bond between the global network of employees and the management by using an innovative way of developing a metaverse ecosystem in which everyone could feel belongingness and togetherness while celebrating the festival under a single virtual roof. It made them feel special and valued in the organization.

Antier’s CEO, Mr. Vikram Raj Singh said,

“All the employees are a part of an extended family, and we tried together to develop a platform in which all of us could enter the metaverse to have an immersive experience of playing with firecrackers, dancing, and having a fun time together. It was adventurous, as we did something beyond the real world enjoyment, and we did it for the first time in the world.”

Noteworthy features of Diwali in Metaverse, Anfesteir

  1. The immersive experience is made possible by utilizing the oculus camera sensors which are coded to mimic hand movements. Every finger of the hand is rigged (animated) bone to bone to perfectly track and simulate hand and finger movements
  2. The experience comprises hand tracking, grabbing, and mimicking the moments of hands in real-time while interacting with the game objects in the Metaverse. Users can grab the fireworks and throw them exactly the same way as done in reality.
  3. Users can grab a bottle of alcohol and Wine glass and perform various activities like drinking, cheers, toasting, etc.
  4. Users can interact with an NPC to explore NFTs. More features will be added soon e.g, Buy/Sell
  5. Users can use the oculus controllers to move around and explore the Environment.
  6. There are various ongoing activities inside the Metaverse. Each floor has a different set of activities.
  7. People can give/take gifts
  8. People can show their amazing dance moves as there is a dance floor where a person can enjoy their favorite music and groove to the beats.
  9. People can have contests for fireworks scores. There are score rings in which the user has to score with the rocket passing through various rings and make scores accordingly.

Technologies behind the great success of festive metaverse for Diwali

  • Environment, Fireworks, and NFTs setup in Unity.
  • Streaming and Experience in Oculus
  • Animations and Rigging – Blender and Maya

What to expect from Antier Solutions in the future?

  • Antier Solutions can help connect with friends and family member who is away and within one space inside the metaverse.
  • Digital firecrackers are non-toxic and pollution-free. In simple terms, Antier’s initiative would provide eco-friendly solutions for celebrating more festivals like this.
  • It would help the users to participate in various fun activities in a three-dimensional world with great convenience.
  • Diwali in Metaverse celebrations were the pleasurable moments in which everyone can enjoy plenty of food and drink without affecting their health, anyone willing to create a metaverse for a festival can experience the same feeling.
  • Antier team is determined to create a blend of modern and traditional ways of celebrating, and allow the participants to have fun and enjoyment in a virtual world.