
Nokia calls BlackBerry devices “old and slow”

BlackBerry has stated loud and clear that they are concentrating on the Enterprise market and while they occasionally say they are not giving up on consumers, more and more people are concluding that this is the case.

This is something BlackBerry need to address as more and more organisations are offering, or advising, of ways that BlackBerry users can switch to other platforms.

The latest is the Official Nokia Blog who say that the latest Nokia Lumia devices make BlackBerry look old and slow.

Switching from BlackBerry to Nokia Lumia running Windows Phone 8 is easier than you think After all, with the best looking handsets, the best features and a stream-lined Windows Phone 8 OS, it makes BlackBerry look old and slow. Nokia has made it easier than ever, so ditch that BlackBerry and switch to Windows Phone, it’s easy.

In an interesting twist, the BlackBerry Twitter account decided to reply to the “old and slow” comment.

BlackBerry Nokia tweet

However, BlackBerry’s reply completely let’s them down as their answer is to link to a BGR review of the BlackBerry Z30. Apparently, BlackBerry seem to think they are BlackBerry “experts”. BlackBerry need a stronger and more credible argument here.

The only way BlackBerry is going to stop users constantly being offered a switch is to show some interest in the consumer side, beyond stickers for BBM.[signoff predefined=”Enjoy this?” icon=”icon-users”][/signoff]