
BlackBerry release BlackBerry Priv OS Autoloaders

BlackBerry 10 users are familiar with Operating System Autoloaders. If you need to upgrade your operating system and your BlackBerry 10 device won’t upgrade otherwise; or if your over-the-air upgrade failed, autoloaders can invariably solve the problem.

BlackBerry Autoloaders are a fantastic process if you want a complete wipe and new OS installed to start with a like-factory fresh device – and the normal factory reset is unavailable to you.

It would appear that BlackBerry will be bringing Android OS Autoloaders to the BlackBerry Priv, as today the company posted a new Knowledge Base article, describing the process of using Autoloaders for the Priv.

The process to use the Autoloaders is as follows.
Use the following steps for reloading the BlackBerry powered by Android OS onto the PRIV:

uk iptv
  1. Install the USB drivers for the PRIV. To install the PRIV drivers, click here.
  2. Download the autoloader file for your PRIV version (links below)
  3. Press and hold both the Power and Volume Down buttons for 30 seconds to boot the PRIV into fastboot mode. Alternatively, press and hold the Volume Down while turning on PRIV and selecting Reboot into fastboot (when in fastboot mode, the PRIV will display the BlackBerry Bootloader Menu and a purple LED)
  4. Reload the OS on the PRIV. To complete the reinstall, please see the following;


  1. Open and extract the downloaded autoloader file (including all files and folders)
  2. Open the extracted folder
  3. Execute the flashall.bat 
  4. Follow on screen instructions as prompted

Mac OS X 

  1. Open and extract the autoloader file (note the location of the downloaded autoloader file (example: Documents, Downloads, Desktop))
  2. Rename extracted folder to PRIV
  3. Open Terminal (Finder > Applications > Utilities > Terminal)
  4. Type cd <location of autoloader>/PRIV
  5. Type ./ and press Enter
  6. Follow on screen instructions as prompted

As the instructions highlight, the process is not too far removed from the way autoloaders for BlackBerry 10 are used.

BlackBerry Priv Autoloaders

If you did not purchase your PRIV from one of the carriers listed below use the Non US Carrier OS file.

It should be noted that the files, at the time of writing, are based on older versions of the OS. Once installed though, you will be prompted to update to a newer OS if applicable.

The autoloader files will wipe your device entirely clean of any data allowing you to start with a clean slate. It is absolutely CRITICAL that you download the correct autoloader for your device.

Device Purchased FromSoftware VersionLink to Autoloader zip file
Non US Carrier – STV100-1, STV100-3, STV100-4AAD250Download
T-Mobile USAAD442Download