Becrypt introduces iOS Mobile Device Management solution

Becrypt, a supplier of innovative mobile security products to Government and industry has launched a new Mobile Device Management solution. Becrypt MDM simplifies the task of meeting UK Government guidelines for iOS devices, by automating an otherwise cumbersome provisioning process and automating policy conformance. Becrypt MDM ensures a clean user experience by avoiding the use of third-party Apps (such as secure bubbles) and leveraging the security built into the iOS operating system.

The solution targets the Government’s “Choose Your Own Device” (CYOD) model, avoiding the complexities and risks of BYOD and allowing organisations to secure iPads and iPhones to handle OFFICIAL tier data (one of the three new levels of classification for information which will be introduced to replace the UK Government Protective Marking Scheme (GPMS) from 2nd April 2014). The solution will be available from Becrypt partners as part of a Software-as-a-Service security offering as well as through the G-Cloud framework.

Supporting Government’s drive towards better use of “platform-level” security, Becrypt MDM ensures that the user experience is unaffected by security software with the device continuing to utilise iOS native software for email, contacts and calendar. The automated provisioning tools can ensure an existing operating system is reset to provide a trusted platform. Security settings are then locked down with a CESG compliant template as default, following which policy updates occur over air.

Dr Bernard Parsons, CEO at Becrypt, said;

“Becrypt MDM provides a way for organisations to deliver greater choice of user device, to improve both user experience and productivity. By focusing on meeting some of the unique requirements of Government, we believe our technology can reduce cost of delivery and ownership, bringing to the user the flexibility that new technology offers, without unduly compromising security.”

Becrypt MDM will be available through Becrypt partners as part of a packaged service to provision and manage iOS devices that are deployed to staff handling OFFICIAL data.

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