Instagram reworks Instagram Direct functionality

Instagram has announced a complete reworking of its Instagram Direct functionality.

According to Instagram:

“Today’s updates also bring a brand new way to start conversations around what you see on Instagram. When you find something inspiring or funny, your first instinct is often to share it with friends who you know will appreciate it. Today, people do this by @-mentioning friends in comments, so much so that nearly 40% of comments include an @-mention. This update has made it easier to share content that you love.”

Sending a message to a friend will not start a new conversation each time you contact that person; instead, sending a contact a photo or video starts a message thread.

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It’s also possible now to name a thread and the company has also added a quick selfie button and emoji are now “larger-than-life”.

The company has also reworked how users can bring a post to their followers’ attention.

In this regard, mentions will still remain an integral part of the Instagram experience, but now there’s a new arrow icon next to comment and like icons that users can tap to send a post to friend or group via Instagram Direct. The post will appear as a message in the ongoing conversation you’re having with a friend, and anyone in the thread can click on it to view the original post or video.