Indian operator Reliance Jio Infocomm has launched Jio Chat, a new chat apple for Android and iOS platforms. In addition to instant messaging, the app also offers voice & video calling, one-to-one & group chats, conference calling, stickers and Channels that lets you follow your favorite brands.
The Jio Chat OTT app is available with any number across India, irrespective of mobile operator. The app uses the customer’s mobile number as ID for the service. The app functions on 3G or Wi-Fi connections. The Jio Chat service comes with audio and video group call conferencing options, and includes dedicated channels where celebrities and brands can interact with their followers. Jio chat also offers privacy features that allow users to if they want to share geo-location info.
Reliance Jio is expected to launch a number digital services, including Music streaming service Jio Beats, Live TV & catch-up TV service Jio Play, Video on demand service Jio On-demand and a friends locator app Jio Friends.
Features of Jio Chat for Android and iOS:
- Rich Messaging. Instantly and easily message any of your Jio Chat contacts – up to 100 at a time.
- Add stickers, emoticons, doodles, pictures, videos, and audio notes to your messages to mix things up a bit
Voice, Video Calling and Conferencing. - Location sharing and status sharing. Can also be turned off
- Jio Chat will stores messages when the connection is interrupted and forward once you or your friends are back online
- Follow Brands, Celebrities with Channels for latest news, updates, and special promotions through Jio Chat Channels.