1O1O becomes first BlackBerry Platinum Partner in Hong Kong

1O1O announced today it is the first mobile operator in Hong Kong to be named a BlackBerry Platinum Partner, enabling 1O1O to offer companies in Hong Kong the most secure and comprehensive suites of enterprise mobility management (EMM) software and services.

Ms. Natalie Chan, Vice President, Corporate Marketing of CSL Mobile’s Commercial Group, said,

“1O1O is proud to receive the accreditation by BlackBerry. 1O1O serves the most BlackBerry enterprise users among all mobile operators in Hong Kong. Our security professionals are competent BlackBerry experts, with strong know-how in EMM. Being the Platinum Partner of BlackBerry, 1O1O Managed Services can deliver real end-to-end EMM solutions serving enterprises’ security needs. From raising support tickets to services delivery, from business process evaluation to advanced system integration, together 1O1O and BlackBerry provide hassle-free, value-added services to enterprises.”

Mr. Richard McLeod, Global Vice President, Enterprise Software Channels, BlackBerry, said,

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“1O1O’s security specialists have proven they can address challenges in today’s complex and sophisticated business environments. By joining BlackBerry’s channel program, Hong Kong businesses will now have access to software solutions that will help companies manage and secure their mobile devices and connected things, as well as communications for all messaging and file types.”

The BlackBerry Enterprise Partner Program is designed to help partners navigate the ever-changing mobile business environment through secured mobile business solutions for their people, processes and data. It helps partners gain new competencies and capabilities that will enable them to meet and exceed market demand, by ensuring partners are well equipped to successfully design, architect, implement and support BlackBerry solutions.

To achieve Platinum Partner tier, the highest out of four, 1O1O’s security specialists have been trained and validated on a regular basis to equip them with the most up-to-date technology skills and expertise on BlackBerry’s suite of mobility software.