Learn to code using the BBM Enterprise SDK at BlackBerry Security Summit 2017

As we reported back in June, BlackBerry will be holding their 2017 Annual BlackBerry Security Summit event in London and New York to address the current situation and trends in secure enterprise mobility.

The London event kicks off first and will take place 24-25 October, 2017.  Meanwhile the New York event will take place Nov 14-15, 2017.

CEO John Chen and members of the senior leadership team will be amongst the people attending and speaking at the Security Summit. They will be joined on stage with special guests to discuss how today’s security threats forecast the future of mobile security and what this potentially means for enterprises, governments and consumers.

Attendees will have the opportunity to witness a live hacking demonstration, learn why BlackBerry is the best solution in security and directly ask questions to the senior leadership team.

In addition to the many tracks and session available, you can join BlackBerry to refine your knowledge of the BlackBerry CPaaS solution, BBM Enterprise SDK.

Developers can take part in a 4 hour in-depth working lab, split into two parts:

  1. Overview and key concepts of the BBM Enterprise SDK (2 hours) : This part will introduce the attendees to key concepts of the BBM-E SDK; it will be a mix of presentations and coding walkthroughs.
  2. Building Apps using the BBM Enterprise SDK (2 hours): This part will be interactive and developers can build their own apps using the SDK, review sample apps and receive technical guidance from BlackBerry engineers whom can offer real time trouble shooting/ tips and tricks


The first day of the summit is open to everyone, and will be focused on exploring the latest technology and trends via keynotes and breakout sessions on cybersecurity, digital transformation, the BlackBerry Secure Platform, and cybersecurity for cars.

The BlackBerry Security Summit also includes a by invitation only Partner Summit. The second day of the summit is dedicated exclusively to partners. Day two will teach you how to capitalize on the cybersecurity and digital transformation trends covered on day one. Presentations and breakout sessions will focus on BlackBerry’s entire partner ecosystem of distributors, ISVs, and Solutions Providers, and how they can all grow together.

Discover how to enable your business strategy and get more from your technology investment. This is the one place where you can meet BlackBerry executives, experts, peers and the entire ecosystem of BlackBerry Partners.

As this day will have fewer participants, you’ll also have more opportunity to interact with the BlackBerry executives and employees in attendance, as well as have valuable informal discussions with other partners.

Registration is still open with spaces now limited.  You can register for London here and New York here.