
Don’t expect to get BlackBerry OS 10.2.1 on the day it “launches”

Rumours, rumours, rumours! The Internet is awash with them.

The latest rumour doing the rounds is that BlackBerry OS 10.2.1 will “launch” on January 28, leading to hype and excitement that this upgrade will hit everybody’s phones on that day. This is not the case!

At Rapid, we like to deal in real news and not hype up our readers only to have them disappointed.

OS IS subject to carrier approval in the same manner as any other upgrade.

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This means that it will be up to your carrier when the update is available to you. It certainly won’t be available globally when it “launches”.

A perfect example of this is the global “launch” of BlackBerry 10 itself, which was launched almost a year ago on January 30, 2013. The only country to have it available on the 30th was the UK, while other countries had to wait.

January 30 is the anniversary of BlackBerry 10 and an anniversary gift of OS 10.2.1 and BBM v2 would be a perfect gift.

OS is a massive upgrade and will be worth the wait. Just don’t expect it on your BlackBerry 10 device on the day it “launches”.[signoff predefined=”Enjoy this?” icon=”icon-users”][/signoff]