Flurry Source14 is almost sold out. Register now while spaces are still available

In just over a week, Flurry Source14 returns to the City View at Metreon in San Francisco. Join the brightest minds in mobile with the Flurry price of $249. (A $550 discount). Tickets are almost sold out, so register now!

On Tuesday, April 22nd, join good company at Flurry Source14:

  • Industry experts equipped with fresh data, analyzing the latest trends in mobile and beyond
  • Mobile all-stars and rising stars, sharing adventures and models for success in the young app economy
  • Marketers, both digital and traditional, breaking down how the stakes have changed in the era of the smartphone and tablet
  • Emerging businesses disrupting age-old industries, as well as established businesses adapting to change
  • Reporters from top publications asking tough questions, moderating sessions and getting the scoop right from the source

About Source14

In just five years, smartphones and tablets have become indispensable in the lives of more than a billion people worldwide, outpacing every comparable technology in terms of mainstream adoption. Today, everything from finding a date to buying movie tickets to ordering a cab happens on a mobile device. The experiences that make up our lives are glued together by one important, useful and addictive screen. We are Living Mobile.

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Because of this shift, entire industries are being created and re-invented to capitalize on the opportunity to live with consumers like never before. Leaders from travel, shopping, media, entertainment, healthcare, and other industries are being forced to rethink their business strategies or risk being swallowed by a new wave of mobile innovation.

Source14 will bring together thought leaders and innovators to explore this transformation and share what is working, what has failed and what is next. The agenda will be fast-paced, with highly interactive sessions led by top journalists. We will get answers to questions like: What are the multi-billion dollar opportunities on the horizon? Who is winning in mobile, and at whose expense? What comes after the smartphone?

Speakers include

Flurry Source14 Speakers

Tickets are almost sold out. Register now.[signoff predefined=”Enjoy this?” icon=”icon-users”][/signoff]