OnePlus “Smash your phone” contest receives over 140,000 entries and adds Donation option

If you are one of the many who entered The OnePlus One “Smash Your Phone” contest, cross your fingers and toes that you are one of the 100 winners. OnePlus has announced that they had over 140,000 entries for the contest. They also state that they’ll be contacting the 100 winners in the coming days.

The terms and conditions OnePlus stated, was that the 100 people who were chosen to smash their device must show it suffering “significant and visible damage to qualify for the OnePlus One purchase code. The applicant must show evidence of the damage in the video following the smash.”.

OnePlus have changed the contest terms. The winners can now either decide to smash their device, or donate it to charity, specifically towards Medic Mobile.

“OnePlus is a young startup with bold ideas. It’s tough to just survive in this industry, nevermind shake it up as we hope to do. ‘Smash’ reflects our desire to do just that: show the world that there’s something new available, something that just may be better than your current daily driver.”

uk iptv

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