Twitter removes users background images

Twitter has confirmed that they have removed wallpapers from users’ home and notifications timelines on

Users now see a stark all-white background in place of their usual customized backgrounds, when viewing their profile, notifications and main timeline.

Twitter said:

“We’re removing background images from the home and notifications timelines on web for all users. Now, background images are only available where logged-in users will see them publicly (Tweet pages, list pages and collections pages). You can find help centre content about customizing your design and where it’s visible on Twitter here.”

From now on, your Twitter home page and notifications pages will be nothing but sparkling white.

While Twitter has given no real explanation as to the change, the perception is down to ad space. Thanks to your on-screen customisations and changing backgrounds, Twitter’s intent to add new features and churn out ad space is interfered with.

Removing users background images will let advertisers place full page ads without running the risk of clashing with your own backgrounds. New features will also be able to turn up in home and notifications pages without upsetting the overall ‘look’ of your pages.