Slack for Windows Phone Beta now open to all users

Slack have announced that they have open up their Windows Phone Beta to all Windows Phone users

Being a beta, the app has “some rough edges and quirky traits unbecoming of a proper Slack application”.

“We’ve been working hard and feel confident enough to open up our Windows Phone Beta to all the patient Windows Phone users who’ve been clamoring for it. But this is a beta — not the finished version, so it has some rough edges and quirky traits unbecoming of a proper Slack application.

We humbly ask only one thing: please give us your honest feedback so that we can make your Windows Phone experience great.”

Premium IPTV in the UK


You can provide feedback just by tapping the feedback link (in Settings -> About) or sending an email to

A list of known bugs is available hereat

Get the Slack beta for Windows Phone.