BlackBerry DTEK App brings improved event tracking and notifications

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]BlackBerry have released an update to their DTEK app for Android, bringing divided event-tracking into background and foreground events and separate notifications for background and foreground events.

In addition, the update brings the usual UX improvements & bug fixes.

In this world of interconnected apps and networks, controlling what is shared and who it’s shared with can be a challenge. BlackBerry DTEK for Android allows you to view and improve your privacy level and monitor application access to your camera, microphone, location and personal information.

Take control with DTEK by BlackBerry.

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Key Features:

  • Monitor – Know at a glance the overall security rating for your device, as well as for specific security features. You can identify whether or not you need to take any action to improve the security of your device
  • Control – Easily change your security settings to improve the security rating for your device and specific security features
  • Track – Turn on event logging to track what your apps are doing. Advanced tools help you track what info your apps have accessed, how it’s being used and the duration of use. This includes which apps are accessing your camera, microphone, location and personal information
  • Alert – Be notified of specific application activities when you set up notifications

What’s New:

  • Divided event-tracking into background and foreground events
  • Separate notifications for background and foreground events
  • UX improvements & bug fixes

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Updated: February 28, 2016
Category: Productivity
Price: Free
Requirements: Varies with device
Developer: BlackBerry
Includes Ads: No
In-app Products: No[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text][/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]