Telegram has rolled out a new update bringing multiple pinned messages in every chat, Live Locations 2.0, Playlists, and more.
You can now pin multiple messages in any chat. Tap the top bar to jump between them – or use the new button if you want to see them all on a separate page.
In addition to channels and groups, pinned messages now work in one-on-one chats.
When friends share their live location, you can now set up an alert that will notify you when they’re close. Icons on the live location map now also show which direction they are facing.
When you send multiple songs at the same time, they’ll be arranged together in a playlist – easier to play, forward, or comment on. Opening one of the songs will queue them all up in Telegram’s built-in media player.
Sending multiple files together also displays them in one chat bubble. Just like with photo albums, you can always select each file or track individually.
There are also some new emoji for Halloween.
Channel Post Stats
Comments have boosted subscriber activity in channels, and Telegram has introduced new tools for admins to track it. In addition to channel statistics, you can view stats for individual posts in your channel – including a list of public channels to which your post was forwarded.
Telegram for Android
On Android, there are new animations, this time for sending messages and switching songs in the music player.
Also on Android: when viewing a photo you’ve received, you can edit and send it back right away, skipping the download-upload ritual. Just tap the brush button when viewing a photo to quickly mark a spot with an X, or put skull stickers on faces.