
BlackBerry announces $50 payment threshold coming in January for developers

BlackBerry has announced that as part of their ongoing efforts to improve operational efficiencies and provide a consistent experience to BlackBerry World vendors, a minimum threshold will be applied to vendor payments.

Effective in January 2014, BlackBerry Commerce will be implementing a $50USD minimum threshold on vendor revenue payments. Vendors that earn less than $50USD during a given month will have their payment deferred until they accumulate a total of at least $50USD. Subsequently, once the $50USD minimum is reached, the vendor will be compensated during the regular monthly vendor payment process at that time.

Vendors that earn more than $50USD during the month will not be impacted by this change and will receive regular monthly vendor payment as usual. Also note that this change applies only to payment transactions handled by BlackBerry Commerce. It does not change anything for transactions performed by Bango or Digital River.[signoff predefined=”Enjoy this?” icon=”icon-users”][/signoff]