
BlackBerry release BlackBerry Enterprise Services 10.2

BlackBerry have released BlackBerry Enterprise Service (BES) 10.2. This version brings a host of new features and some much needed updates.

BES 10.2 features

BES 10.2 brings the debut of Blackberry Web Services (BWS) support for Universal Device Service (UDS). It fills a gaping hole, and with that further reduces the gap that exists between UDS and Blackberry Device Service (BDS).

As was previously possible with BDS, BWS now extends the capability to allow you to integrate custom applications with its services for UDS.

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Many of the Administration Console tasks typically performed by the administrators can now be automated by developing simple custom applications that connect to the web service.

BES 10.2 New APIs

Here’s a complete list of available APIs as well as sample code snippets.

Beyond just the UDS capabilities, there were some other new additions, as well as some deprecations.  Additions include features, APIs and new fields (included tables below). The most notable deprecations include the orgUid parameter for the BWSUtil.getEncodedUsername, the SWToken, and in the PolicyRuleDefinition class, the classification field was deprecated and replaced by the new field applicableDeviceActivationTypes.

To learn more about developing for the Enterprise, don’t miss the free interactive virtual event, BlackBerry Jam Direct, on Wednesday, February 26.[signoff predefined=”Enjoy this?” icon=”icon-users”][/signoff]
