
BlackBerry 10.2.1: What Android developers need to know

The BlackBerry Runtime for Android apps has undergone much improvement in BlackBerry OS 10.2.1. The new runtime includes updates for Android Native Support, Bluetooth, embedded MapView v1, Spell check, Wi-Fi scanning and more, which gives you greater compatibility for your Android apps.

Here’s what’s changed in OS 10.2.1 :

Accessibility Support

Android application UI controls are now integrated with screen reader functionality, so that visually impaired people can hear a speech presentation of the UI.

Android Native Support

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Android apps that use shared libraries written in native code, such as C and C++, are now supported on BlackBerry 10. Support is limited to the recommended system headers and APIs as documented by Google. Headers and APIs outside this scope may not function correctly.

APK Installation

BlackBerry 10 users can now install APK files directly from the device. Users don’t need to sideload apps, or put their devices in Developer mode.

To install an application using an APK, the user can download, tap the file, and follow the installation instructions.

Don’t forget to check out our guide on the easiest, and safest method to install Android apps on your BlackBerry 10 smartphone.

Bluetooth Support

Android applications can now use the android.bluetooth package to access Bluetooth hardware.

MapView v1

Applications that use MapView from the Google Maps v1 API are now supported in OpenStreetMaps. Support for the MapView v2 API is planned for future release.

Share Framework v1

Android applications that register with the share framework in Android now appear as share targets on the BlackBerry 10 share menu.


Spelling check and correction in text fields, and adding words to the dictionary, are now supported.

Wi-Fi scanning

Scanning for Wi-Fi access points is now supported.

Tooling updates

New 2.0.1 Beta tools for the Eclipse Plug-in and command-line are available. This update includes: Support for newly added APIs, a graphical user interface to the command-line tools, the new BlackBerry 10 ADB Proxy that works with any Android IDE, and many other major improvements.

Ready to try out the new BlackBerry Runtime for Android apps? Get everything you need here.[signoff predefined=”Enjoy this?” icon=”icon-users”][/signoff]Via