
BlackBerry Assistant: BlackBerry’s version of Siri, Google Now and Cortana

BlackBerry took to its blog today to briefly explain ‘BlackBerry Assistant’, another feature that will be coming to BlackBerry devices when BlackBerry 10.3 is released.

BlackBerry Assistant will be BlackBerry’s digital assistant and it will be interesting to see how it compares to Siri, Google Now and Cortana.

The BlackBerry Assistant will help you control your device, read emails, mark them as read and follow every single command you might have. Need a task done? Just delegate it to your own BlackBerry Assistant.

BlackBerry don’t really provide too much detail and I’m not sure why they didn’t use a video to show off the feature.

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BlackBerry 10.3 is showing a lot of promise, not only for enterprise users but also consumers.

You can read the brief explanation of BlackBerry Assistant over on the InsideBlackBerry Blog.

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