Qualcomm Snapdragon 750 5G
Qualcomm has announced the Snapdragon 750G, a new entrant in the 7-series lineup of Snapdragon chips. It comes with 5G support, the latest AI engine and a more powerful CPU and GPU.
Qualcomm has announced its next flagship smartphone processor, the Snapdragon 865, at its annual Tech Summit in Hawaii. Along with a handful of other announcements, its newest flagship processor has finally been named, and the Snapdragon 865 is set to power flagship smartphones in 2020 and beyond.
ASUS CEO Jerry Shen today unveiled the all-new ZenFone 5 Series at a special event in the Italian Pavilion at MWC 2018 in Barcelona, Spain. The lineup includes the ZenFone 5Z and the ZenFone 5, exciting high-performance 6.2-inch dual-camera smartphones that are the first ever ZenFone models to harness the power of artificial intelligence (AI).