BlackBerry Launcher for Android update brings Apps separated into Recent, Personal and Work and more

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]BlackBerry have rolled out an update to their BlackBerry Launcher app for Android, which is currently only available on the BlackBerry Priv.

The update brings the ability for apps to be separated into Recent, Personal, and Work and you can set a default home screen of your choosing.

One of the annoying things on the previous versions was the fact that pop up widgets had to be manually enabled, a setting that eluded a lot of users. This has now been solved with the simple change of enabling pop-up widgets by default.

The BlackBerry Launcher application enables you to:

  • Easily turn multi-step tasks such as sending an email or calling a friend into a one-click task.
  • Find, sort and place applications, widgets and shortcuts across home screen panels for convenient access.
  • Widgets are a great way to get information quickly, but can take up a lot of space on your home screen. BlackBerry Pop-Up Widgets allow you to view any application widget by simply swiping up or down across the icon on your home screen, giving you fast access to the information you need, when you need it.
  • Use keyboard shortcuts to launch applications or tasks, such as tapping ‘B’ to launch your Browser.
  • Customise the look and feel of your device using icon packs, and more…

What’s New

  • Default view for apps now separated into Recent, Personal, and Work.
  • While in overview mode, the “home” panel can be set to any available panel, and panels can be deleted by pressing down on them for several seconds.
  • Can now flick to remove application shortcuts from the home screen.
  • Pop-up widgets now enabled by default.
  • Improved overlays to provide users with more information on app locations, launcher settings, pop-up widgets, and the productivity tab.
  • Apps installed on the SD card will be grayed out if the card is removed to let the user know it’s still around but inaccessible.

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Updated: February 29, 2016
Category: Productivity
Price: Free
Requirements: Android 5.0 +
Developer: BlackBerry
In-app Products: No[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text][/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]