
BBM Protected is now available on BlackBerry Balance-enabled devices

Continuing the momentum from BBM Protected’s highly successful Phase 1 launch earlier this year, today BlackBerry announced that BBM Protected is now available on BlackBerry Balance-enabled devices. This expands the compatible devices beyond the BBOS and BlackBerry 10 in “workplace-only” mode to devices using BlackBerry Balance to serve dual-functions inside and outside of work.

It adds support for BlackBerry devices using Balance technology. This step allows BBM Protected to work in BYOD, Balance, and COPE (Corporate Owned, Personally Enabled) environments as well as COBO (Corporate Owned, Business Enabled).

For security conscious organizations using Balance technology, eBBM offers enhanced BBM Protected level encryption to the intra-company BBM messages being sent between employees inside the company as well as inter-company BBM messages being sent to employees at other companies using BBM Protected.

Just as before, enabling BBM Protected for Balance enabled devices is as simple as turning on an IT policy through the BES console. And for end users, the experience remains as simple and hassle free!

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End users will continue to use the same BBM app they currently have and BBM messages to other BBM Protected users (either at their company or at other companies using BBM Protected) are encrypted automatically using the advanced BBM Protected encryption. Messages sent to friends and family use the standard BBM encryption.
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