Telegram has rolled out a new update bringing three new kinds of telegram polls. Previously, all polls on Telegram were anonymous but you can now create polls that allow everyone in the group to see who voted for what.
Apple today introduced ARKit 2, a platform allowing developers to integrate shared experiences, persistent AR experiences tied to a specific location, object detection and image tracking to make AR apps even more dynamic.
The design and branding pioneers at Brikk have announced the launch of the Lux iPhone 6 Secure. This device is the beautiful solution for anyone whose communication may be the target of interception by third parties.
Apple today unveiled iPhone 11, bringing a new dual-camera system, offering an intuitive camera experience with the highest quality video and Night mode for photos. iPhone 11 is powered by the A13 Bionic chip to perform the most demanding tasks, while getting through an entire day on a single charge, and is designed to withstand the elements with improved water resistance.
BBM for iPhone
Creative Media Works has released the latest update to BBM for iPhone, which brings the ability to share videos in groups and add albums to your profile. In addition, users can now easily share content with more people with the new contact multi-picker.
Apple’s head of security engineering and architecture, Ivan Krstic, announced to Black Hat attendees today that Apple will begin offering cash bounties of up to $200,000 to researchers who discover vulnerabilities in its products.
iOS 14
Apple has unexpectedly released iOS 14.4.1, which fixes a vulnerability in WebKit, so that malicious web content won’t have its way. Apple describes this as “A memory corruption issue was addressed with improved validation”.
iOS 12
Apple has released the fourth iOS 12.2 public beta for iPhone and iPad. Members of Apple's Beta Software Program can download the previews now and register devices now. If you have already installed iOS 12.2 public beta 3, then you can simply update using your iPhone in the normal manner.
iOS 16
Apple has officially released iOS 16 bringing a wealth of new features and updates. iOS 16 brings what Apple calls “the biggest update ever” to the Lock Screen and new sharing, communication, and intelligence features and more.
Apple has officially launched Apple Pay Cash today for all iOS 11.2 users with an eligible iPhone or iPad model in the United States. Apple Pay Cash allows for quick person-to-person money transfers, much like competing services..
iPhone 7 Battery
Apple issued its first revenue guidance revision in over a decade in part due to soft iPhone sales. Apple placed most of the blame on weakness in the great China area, which was compounded by the country's trade war with the United States.
Apple iPhone SE Black
Apple has released iOS 13.4.1 for the iPhone SE today. Ironically, anybody who pre-ordered their iPhone SE should be receiving them tomorrow, so you should expect the OS to be upgraded as you set it up.
Apple has released iOS 13.7, which introduces a new Exposure Notifications System directly baked into the OS, to help combat the COVID-19 pandemic, meaning new system no longer requires a separate app to be downloaded. When you upgrade to iOS 13.7, you’ll see a new section of the Settings menu that includes a toggle to “Turn on Exposure Notifications.”
macOS Big Sur
Apple today previewed macOS Big Sur, bringing a beautiful redesign that is entirely new yet instantly familiar. Safari is packed with new features, including a customisable start page, elegantly designed and more powerful tabs, quick and easy translation, and a new Privacy Report.
Telegram has rolled out a new update bringing a new Theme Editor, Send When Online, Verifiable Builds and more. Using the new theme editor in Chat Settings (or Appearance Settings on iOS), you can quickly tweak the style of elements in Telegram chats and add gradients to both your messages and your background. Users can easily switch between tabs Main Color, Background and My Messages.
iOS 14
Apple has officially released iOS 14.4, bringing some important bug fixes and security updates. Smaller QR codes can now be recognised by Camera and there is an option to classify Bluetooth device type in Settings for correct identification of headphones for audio notifications.
Apple today announced that Apple Arcade will be available on the App Store on Thursday, September 19 with iOS 13, offering a new way to enjoy games without limits. With a subscription to Apple Arcade for £4.99 per month, users get unlimited access to the entire catalogue of over 100 new, exclusive games, all playable across iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, Mac and Apple TV.
Erase iPhone
Apple has published a nice new video, explaining how you can set up your new iPhone by transferring your data from your previous one, and how you can prepare your previous iPhone for Apple Trade-In.