Android N Developer Preview available to Xperia Z3 users

Earlier this month, Google rolled out the second release of the Android N Developer Preview. At that time it was rumoured that Google would, allow other manufacturers to begin testing the software, and that appears to be the case as Google today announced that Sony will join the N Developer Preview family of supported devices with the Xperia Z3.

This is the first time ever, an Android Developer Preview has been made available for a non-Nexus smartphone and that is quite a big deal. Installing it is a simple task. Just remember to back up all your data, as the installation involves a full system re-flash!

Google stated,

“The Xperia Z3 joins Nexus 5X, 6, 6P, Nexus Player, the Pixel C tablet and General Mobile 4G (Android One) in giving you an early look at the next version of Android. Sony has been working closely with us to bring you the N Developer Preview on Xperia for early testing and development.”

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Testers can use the N Developer Preview issue tracker to file general issues and feature requests. You should make sure to note that you are using an Xperia Z3 device in your feedback. You can also keep up with other developers working with N Developer Preview on the official G+ group.

I’ve been running Android N on a Nexus 6P since the day it launched and it’s surprisingly stable already.

Flashing your compatible Xperia Z3 device

There are 2 variants of Xperia Z3 that can be flashed with Android N Developer Preview, D6603 and D6653. Here’s how to get started:

  • Connect your compatible Z3 device to a computer with a USB cable.
  • Xperia Companion will open automatically
  • Make sure you have Xperia Companion version 1.1.24 or later. If not, download the latest version from here.
  • Hold down the ALT key on your computer and click on Software repair on the home screen, then follow the guide.
  • You’ll be asked to disconnect and turn off your device, then to reconnect whilst holding down the volume down key to start the software flashing.
  • You can return to factory settings at any time by connecting back to Xperia Companion and following the Software repair

Developers and testers will need to flash the first image (of Developer Preview 2) and then Sony will push future updates OTA.